Donnerstag, 10. November 2016

"welcome back home" - Dresden, Cunewalde, Beiersdorf, Germany

"Die größte Sehenswürdigkeit, die es gibt, ist die Welt - Sieh sie dir an!" (Kurt Tucholsky) - in diesem Sinne schließen wir nach 16 Monaten auf Reise unseren kleinen Fotoblog ab und bedanken uns bei all den Menschen, die diese Reise einmalig und wunderbar gemacht haben, bei unseren Familien und Freunden, die mit ihren Gedanken immer bei uns waren und uns so herzlich wieder zu Hause empfangen haben und bei allen, die unserem Abenteuer auf diesem Blog gefolgt sind! Maria&Lutz

...after 16 months of travelling around the world we are back home and say thank you to all people, who made this journey unique and wonderful, to our families and friends, who always kept us in their mind and gave us a very warm welcome and to all, who followed our travelling on this blog! Maria&Lutz

on the road - Madrid to Dresden, Europe

hichhiking from Madrid to Dresden in 2,5 days - it was freezing cold but we met so many nice people and it was a good decision to arrive more slowly in Germany - thanks a lot to all drivers who gave us a lift!! PS: we forgot that landscape in fall is so beautiful!

Lima - Peru, South America

waiting for our flight back to Europe with mixed feelings - a bit sad that our amazing journey is over but excited about returning back home at once :)

last Cusqueña and last stamp in our passport so far

Arequipa - Peru, South America

Arequipa - the "white city"

mango, passion fruit, papaya, strawberries, pineapple,... - fresh juice in all combinations :)

Donnerstag, 3. November 2016

Cuzco and surroundings - Peru, South America

Plaza de Armas in Cuzco
Cuy al Horno - grilled guinea pig - a peruvian speciality

"Salineras de Maras" - huge salt ponds
San Pedro Market in Cuzco

need a toilet?
"Rainbow Mountains" - 5020 m above sea level

chewing coca leaves for better altitude adaptation

Mittwoch, 2. November 2016

Machu Picchu - Peru, South America

walking along the rails to Aguas Caliente...the train ticket was not our budget :)

enjoying the views of this magical place

hiking up to "Montaña Machu Picchu" - in total 1200 m difference of altitude just in steps - my calves were not that happy the next morning :)

Dienstag, 1. November 2016

Santa Cruz Trek - Huascarán National Park, Peru, South America

hiking for 4 days
campsite on 4250m
Té de coca - helps to adapt to high altitude and to stay warm ;-)
the highest point of the trek